
Twelve Plants I need to Use in New Ways in the Garden

Lemon Grass and Madagascar Periwinkle from another year. Periwinkles are just now showing up with some blooms. Lemon Grass is enjoying the heat.

This GH bed has a mass of white Lantana this year, no Pentas.

Alternanthera Rubiginosa is a great plant where a
large dark mass is needed. 

It will choke out bermuda grass.

Agapanthus, chlorophytum, Purple Heart

Agapanthus bloomed in May, 2013.
A hard freeze in winter will kill the 
tops like last winter and set them back.

I bought Agapanthus in 2007 and 2009.
In 2013 I borrowed seeds off a plant in Tallahassee
and finally had a white bloom in a pot this Spring.
I am going to pot up more plants in August.

Plants I sometimes take for granted:
Persian Shield and its winter blooms,
Tecoma stans' all summer blooms,
Pentas as butterfly magnet and Melampodium,
Loropetalum blooms twice: early spring, late summer.

Beds of Salvia Leucantha need renovating for a
show like this one.

Wax Begonia, what a bedding plant.
Ruellia elegans 'Katie' needs some Lemon Grass.
My variegated Liriope did not thrive.

When these bloom they remind that Begonias are
 worth the trouble to haul them in for winter's keep.

From 2008: The flavor of this bed has changed. Crape Myrtles are now trees.


Diana said...

We have many of the same plants in the garden. Do you think the Alternanthera Rubiginosa would work in my Central Texas garden? I'd like to try that -- what conditions it it in your garden?

Jean Campbell said...

I stick it around some rose bushes and it gets what they get in the way of water and fertilizer, not a lot. It's a tough plant but it isn't a succulent.

It seeded itself in the greenhouse floor and grows to the rafters behind shelves. I break it back in great handsful in late summer and allow whatever looks good to return and grow all winter.

gld said...

I didn't know there was anything that would choke out Bermuda grass! Beautiful beds.
