


janie said...

I have started amaryllis of several colors/varieties. I love this plant for it's ability to cheer me on a dull and dreary winter day. I do have one pot of narcissus, but not blooming yet. Is it time to give it the vodka yet?

janie said...

I love the amaryllis because it can always cheer me on a dull and dreary winter day! I have several pots going, none blooming yet. Also, I have one pot of narcissus, but no blooms. Is it time to give it the vodka yet?

Jean Campbell said...

I have never used vodka on bulbs. I read the other day that the vodka will stunt not only the leaves but also the flowers, don't know if that is true.

I planted some ancient narcissus in pots of soil, they're slowing making foliage at a rate that will never be too tall.
